SKU# 5150211
Air Hose Reel with Hose / 15-m / 300 PSI
The industrial-grade Ranger RH-50PL is a premium hose reel that features reinforced, dual support arms.

This Hose is the "Reel" Deal
Ranger spring-driven hose reels have a long history of dependability and trouble-free performance. Their compact, space-saving design and heavy-duty construction make them very rugged and virtually indestructible. The RH-50PL is an especially durable reel, further reinforced by a dual support leg base, guide arms and axle. Offering everything you look for in a reel, it unrolls the included 300 psi, 15-m hose when you need it and conveniently rewinds it without hassle when you don't. Time-tested components, superior design and quality craftsmanship make it easy to see why Ranger hose reels are the preferred choice among automotive service industry professionals.
- Wall, floor or ceiling mount
- Use for air or water
- 178 mm x 203 mm reinforced mounting base
- Dual support reinforced leg base
- Dual support guide arm
- Dual support 35 mm axle
- Fully enclosed multi-position release ratchet
- Powder coated for corrosion-free performance
- Guide arm adjusts to 9 positions
- 4-direction, non-snag rollers
- Anti-lockout ratchet mechanism prevents reel from locking up when hose is fully extended
- Solid brass swivel fitting